Friday, March 12, 2010

First Post

Hi! This is Bella's Blog, and I'm FlameDragon, the one who manages it! If you're lost on what this Blog's about, well...Puppy Mill awareness!! Bella is my dog. She is 11 mths. old, and boy is she psycho! In total my family has:
2 cats, 2 dogs, and....a lizard. Our two felines are Mark and Simon (both are 2), and our two pups are Sally (9) and Bella (i already listed her age). Along with this site raising puppy mill awareness, this site counts as a girl scout project, and a way for me to also tell you all about how crazy my pets can be! For example...Mark likes water. OOPS! I shouldn't have said that :). Finally, this is my first Blog---EVER!

Okay, my fellow Girl Scout Troop members, if you are having trouble with Blogger accounts I am very sorry. You will need a Google Account! Now, if this isn't working...Blogger might be slow. It will probably guide you through it all!
(the only reason you need a Google Account is to respond on my Blog.)

All right! So, I will try to keep you all posted...however I am very very VERY busy most days...good thing it's Spring Break!

All right, so...get onto and have a lovely view into the world of...Bella!


  1. This is great, FlameDragon! I'm excited to see what you will post about Puppy Mills. What are they?

  2., for those of you who do not know, puppy mills are places where people keep breeding puppy after puppy after..well, you get it. the female dogs have no socialization, nor do the puppies. Many die. Once the female dogs cannot breed, they are either discarded or destroyed. the puppies are innocent is the humans who cause all the recklessness. Bella was skinny and really defensive when she came to live with us. She's gained weight and is a very comfortable pup now. Almost too comfortable! So, puppy mills aren't illegal. I find that really weird.
    Petland, a chain of pet stores, have not denied using puppy mills. Investigations prove it; they use puppy mills. 'Sighs' If only we could live in a world where all animals were treated with equally loving homes!!
    Forgive my long comment habits. You should see my e-mails! ;)

  3. Have you adopted many animals? What do you think about adopting animals?

  4. Hi flamedragon (2nd attempt... the system keeps falling over?)
    So how did you train all your pets to get along so well? I thought cats & dogs notoriously don't get along (think Tom & Spike in Tom & Jerry cartoons).

  5. Funny thing about that. Some dogs just hate cats!
    Sally chased Max and Mona at first, but that straightened out in a couple weeks. Bella still tries to have some "fun" with the cats sometimes, and Mark even scratched her on the nose! If you introduce your cat/dog to the other animal at first, you can kind of tell whether or not they're compatible. It all just depends on the animals, really! Also, it's great that you finally managed to get on! I don't know if it's something with Blogger or not, but people are having trouble getting on sometimes! Thanks. I'll try to get on slightly faster! Been cleaning house for grandparents! (Not very fun...)

  6. I think you're absolutely right about introducing animals to one another early on.

    When my brother & I were little we had a golden retriever called Sam (actually his pedigree name was Ross-born Drummer Boy). The lady we bought him from was a professional breeder of golden retrievers & some of her dogs had even won awards from Crufts - which is run by the UK Kennel Club (you should check out the Kennel Club's website - it shows how they encourage good puppy breeding/selling/etc). Anyway Sam's dad, Ross, was a Crufts champion. I seem to remember that Sam came from quite a huge litter - I can remember him squiggling about with his brothers and sister on the first time we saw them - they were tiny (maybe a week old? not sure) & the breeder said we had to come back in a couple of months. In the meantime she was checking with our mum and dad on how they would care for & cope looking after the dog. When you think about it - she was being incredibly responsible.

    I can't imagine how awful puppy mills are to see in person. I've seen a programme about them and it is really, really upsetting. How can these people say they care for animals when they treat them so dreadfully. the amount of trauma (physical & psychological) is huge. I'm glad you are taking a stand about puppy mills. I'm with you 100%

  7. Yay! Thank you! Sorry..schedule's a mess. The fifth grade is going on a trip to Oklahoma for 4 days (I'm not going for reasons not to be disscussed on a Blog),so they're hyped up about, I have two projects for school on my hands.
    I have regular stuff, too...of course. I haven't been on for a while!
    Tomorrow's Saturday. Delicious as a day can be.
    (You can't taste a day, so...)

    All right! See you guys...whenever!

  8. I was visiting this post of my Blog after all that's happened and the many sites supporting J. Pippin, the protests, and WoofBella. My Girl Scout Troop doesn't know about the steps regular people are taking towards a worthy cause. No one really does anything on this Blog, but I know they come. And to think I'm lucky enough to be the creator of this makes me think that someday the world might actually be a better place without puppy mills because of what people locally are doing. Looking up at the last comment before this one, it was so informal, comfortable, loose. I mean, it still is, totally, but now April 9th is WAY behind us. I don't maintain Bella's Blog because I have to; I really seem to be the only one on it...but it makes a difference. It's what I can do to help. Once a sheltered slice of Internet, now a tiny part of a huge cause. It's exciting to know that this Blog is more than just an everyday thing on a site called means something to me, and it helps out a cause. I'm with you protestors 100%, because I'm tired of people taking advantage of the world. I'm part of the 1st Generation having Internet their entire life...I say we use what people gave us not only for OUR needa, but for the needs of other, human or canine.

    Yowch, I've turned into a preacher.
    Anyway, Blog away, WoofBella supporters...
